Frequently Asked Questions

Please feel free to contact Wrobel Massage Therapy any time if you have any questions or concerns about massage therapy 519-733-0181.

Who Pays for Massage Therapy?

Most extended health-care plans will cover all or a portion of the cost of your massage therapy treatment. Some plans require that you have a medical note from your doctor. People without extended health care coverage pay for the treatments themselves.

Do I need a doctors referral to get a massage?

No, you do not need a referral from anyone to get a massage; however, you may be required to get a note from the doctor for benefit plan coverage of your treatments.

Will a massage treatment hurt?

It is possible that you will feel some pain and discomfort during your treatment. If at any time you are uncomfortable, you can ask the therapist to change the pressure of the massage. Massage therapists are trained to be able to vary their pressure. At no time should you have to endure any pain from a massage treatment.

Why do I get sore after a massage?

Muscles that are tight during a massage will release lactic acid into the body. The body's lymphatic system clears out the lactic acid, but when a great deal of lactic acid is released all at once it can cause a low-grade soreness in body - similar to the feeling you get when you start an exercise program if you have not exercised for a long time. Taking a warm epsom salt bath after your massage treatment and drinking water aids the body in flushing out the lactic acid.

Do I need to get undressed for a massage?

No. Although massage therapy does work best with skin-to-skin contact, you are never required to get undressed for treatment. It is up to the clients to decide on their level of comfort, and if they choose, they may or may not get undressed for treatment. If you choose to be undressed during your massage treatment, you will be covered with sheets at all times except for the area that is being treated.

Who Benefits from Massage?


Do I need an appointment for a massage?

Yes, that time is scheduled for you. If you are unable to make your appointment, please give 24 hours' notice of cancellation.

What are the requirements to be a registered massage therapist?

"To practise Massage Therapy in Ontario, you must first obtain a Certificate of Registration from the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. Only those registered with the College may use the protected titles “Registered Massage Therapist” (RMT) or “Massage Therapist” (MT). Note – Both titles are equivalent and mean that the holder of the title is a Registrant of the College. Ontario’s Registered Massage Therapists are charged with upholding the competency standards of the profession as set out by the College. Competency standards refer to the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for competent practice of Massage Therapy in Ontario. The College has created a Competency Standards document which provides a clear understanding of the competencies required of a Massage Therapist in three key areas – health science, professional development and clinical science." - taken from the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario website